Файнлейб О., Григор’єва О., Старостенко О., Гусакова К., Гранде Д. Thermostable Nanoporous Polycyanurates (Термостійкі нанопористі поліціанурати). ─ Київ: Академперіодика, 2023. ─ 112 с. ─ ISBN 978-966-360-477-0
The monograph is devoted to the synthesis, analysis of the structure and morphology, porosity parameters and physicochemical properties of heat-resistant nanoporous polycyanurates, as well as the possibility of their application for gas separation. Nanoporous films obtained using reactive and inert porogens, high-boiling-temperature liquids, incomplete conversion of cyanate monomers, as well as radiation technologies (production of track membranes by irradiation thin films of polycyanurates with subsequent chemical etching and sensitization) are described.