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Requirements of the CrossRef agency to the web resource of a scientific periodical

Requirements of the CrossRef agency to the web resource of a scientific periodical


1. Own web resource of a scientific periodical (journal) must have an English-language interface.


2. The basic structure of the site should correspond to the following key points:

— The main (visiting) page of the journal should contain the ISSN, as well as the source information for the editor-in-chief, editorial board, editorial board policy regarding the observance of copyright and the procedure for reviewing the articles, scientific topics, the order and periodicity of the publication;

— from the main page there should be a link to each number of the journal - both current and archive;

—  the separate page for each number (current or archived) should contain the DOI given to this magazine as a whole (provided by CrossRef free of charge when filling out the article form on the corresponding journal number) and have the form of content of the corresponding journal number, with each content item it should be possible to go to the home page of a separate article;

— the home page of each article must contain metadata: the DOI of this article (after registration), the correct description-link to this article (English abbreviation of the journal according to ISSN, year of issue, volume, number, page interval of the article), authors' last names, names of the institutions where they work, title of the article, abstract (summary) of the article, keywords, lists of literature, mechanism for linking to the full text of the article (for example, in pdf format).


Date added: 11.05.2024

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