Certificate of State registration of print media KB № 1803 of 20.11.1995
Aims and Scope. Coverage and discussion of theoretical and practical problems of artificial intelligence
Edition journal
Type of edition scientific-theoretical
Published since 1995
Periodicity 4 times per year
ISSN 1561-5359
Language Ukrainian, Russian, English
Founder National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Problems of Artificial Intelligence of the MES of Ukraine and of the NAS of Ukraine
Editor-in chief A.I. Shevchenko Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Executive secretary I.S. Salnykov
Editorial Office: Institute for Problems of Artificial Intelligence of the MES of Ukraine and of the NAS of Ukraine, 118-B, Artema str., Donetsk, 83048, Ukraine
Tel. / Fax: (0-62) 311-3424, 311-7201
E-mail: edoffice@iai.donetsk.ua, max@iai.donetsk.ua
Web-site: http://www.iai.donetsk.ua