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Aims and Scope. Problem sofmodern philosophical searchin Ukraine, acquaintance of readers with today's foreign philosophy.
Edition journal
Type of edition scientific and theoretical
Published since 1927
Periodicity 6 times per year
ISSN 0235-7941
Language Ukrainian, English
Founder National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine
Editor-in-chief M.V. Popovych Member of the NAS of Ukraine, S.V. Proleiev
Executive secretary A.A. Stratieva
Editorial Office: H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine, 4, Triokhsviatytelska str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine
Tel./Fax: (0-44) 278-3978, (050) 358-5218
E-mail: f_dumka@ukr.net
Web-site: http://www.filosof.com.ua/publik.htm