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Aims and Scope. Hydrodynamics of processes of casting, thermal physics hardening of alloys, mass transfer, crystallization and building of structure alloys, external influences on liquid and for crystallized metal, metal and materials sciences, new progresive casting tecnolology, receipt and preparation of casting fusions, problems of technology of form, special facilities casting, commercial reports.
Edition journal
Type of edition scientific and technical
Published since 1992
Periodicity 6 times per year
ISSN 0235-5884
Language Ukrainian, Russian, English
Founder National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Physical-technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the NAS of Ukraine
Editor-in-chief V.L. Naidek Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Executive secretary F.M. Kotliarskyi
Editorial Office: Physical-technological Institute of Metals and Alloys ofthe NAS of Ukraine, 34/1, acad. Vernadskyi blvd., Kyiv-142, 03680,Ukraine
Tel.: (0-44) 424-1250, 424-0410
Fax: (0-44) 424-3515
E-mail: proclit@ptima.kiev.ua
Web-site: http://www.ptima.kiev.ua