Certificate of State registration of print media KB № 431 of 08.02.1994
Aims and Scope. Electronic structure and properties; crystallattice defects; phase transformations; physics of strength and plasticity; metallic surfaces and films; structure and properties of nanoscale and mesoscopic materials; amorphous and liquidstates; interactions of radiation and particles with condensedmatter
Edition journal
Type of edition international research
Published since 1979
Periodicity 12 times per year
ISSN 1024-1809
Language Ukrainian, Russian, English
Founder National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, H.V. Kurdiumov Institute of Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine
Editor-in-chief O.M. Ivasyshyn Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Executive secretary V.A. Tatarenko
Editorial Office: H. V. Kurdiumov Institute of Metal Physics of the NAS ofUkraine, 36, off. 1409, acad. Vernadskyiblvd., Kyiv-142, 03680, Ukraine
Tel.: (0-44) 424-1221
Fax: (0-44) 424-2561
E-mail: tatar@imp.kiev.ua; mfint@imp.kiev.ua
Web-site: http://www.imp.kiev.ua/test/