Certificate of State registration of print media KB № 12649-1533P of 14.05.2007
Aims and Scope: The results of research in the field of informatics and information technology, intellectual controland systems. Consideration is also given to the topical problems of medical and biological cybernetics
Edition journal
Type of edition scientific
Published since 1965
Periodicity 4 times per year
ISSN 0452-9910 ISSN Online 2519-2205
Language Ukrainian, Russian, English
Founders National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of the MES of Ukraine V.M. Hlushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine
Editor-in-chief I .V. Serhiienko Member of the NAS of Ukraine, V.I. Gcenko Corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine
Deputy Editor-in-chief L.M. Kozak
Editorial Office: International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of the MES of Ukraine, 40, acad. Hlushkov prosp., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine
Tel.: (044) 503-9562
E-mail: kvt.journal@kvt-journal.org.ua
Web-site: kvt-journal.org.ua