Certificate of State registration of print media KB № 9023 of 03.08.2004
Aims and Scope: Mathematical problems of modern physics ,complex analysis and its applications, asymptotic problems of differential equations, spectral theory of operators including inverse problems and their applications, geometry on large and differential geometry, functional analysis, theory of representations and operator algebras including ergodic aspects.
Edition journal
Type of edition scientific
Published since 2005
Periodicity 4 times per year
ISSN 1812-9471 (Print), 1817-5805 (Online)
Language Ukrainian, Russian, English
Founder National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, B.I. Verkin Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
Editor-in-chief L.A. Pastur Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Executive secretary H.M. Feldman
Editorial Office: B.I. Vierkin Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine, 47, Lenin prosp., Kharkiv, 61103,Ukraine
Tel.: (0-57) 340-5017
Fax.: (0-57) 340-3370
E-mail: mpag@ilt.kharkov.ua
Web-site: http://jmagr.ilt.kharkov.ua/mag_r.html