Юхимець Г.М., Фоменко Д.Д., Цинковська І.І., Скрипник П. І., Гутник Л.М. Європейський гравірований портрет XVI―XIX cт. з фондів Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського: дослідження; ілюстрований каталог: у 2 кн. Кн. 2. ―Київ: Академперіодика, 2023. ― 664 с., іл. ISBN 978-966-360-468-8; ISBN 978-966-360-495-4 (Кн. 2)
This scientific edition represents a comprehensive study of XVI—XIX centuries European engraved portrait stored in Fine Arts Department at V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine Book Sciences Institute. The researched collection is distinguished by its geographical varieties of items’ origin, by extensive historical chronology which spanned 4 centuries long and has an abundance of depicted persons as well as the artists (engravers and draftsmen). The illustrated scientific Catalogue is the first profound edition covering composition and content of the unique library collection where each item is the original work of European artists have been professionally detailed study of each separate artefact. Research and analytical description of each separate engraving item is done de visu. Images on each engraving and all the details of text inscription were the objects of research and description of every artefact. Attribution for engraving portraits have been performed on the basis for iconography study of portrayed persons. It was the priority over the definition for structure of the edition, i.e. placement of engravings description in alphabetical order in accordance with the name of portrayed person in particular. Artists Index is a multilingual one: the Ukrainian language version for artists’ names is represented in the language(s) of countries where the indicated persons came from (by parenthesis). This scientific Catalogue is addressed to researchers of European history and culture, art critics, artists, museum, archive and library professionals, and to a wide circle of art aficionados.