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J045 Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine

  • History
  • Literature
  • Literature Studies
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“Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine” [Rukopisna ta knižkova spadŝina Ukraïni] is a digest of scientific works, professional continuing edition with the subtitle "Archaeographic Studies of Unique Archival and Library Funds". It is designed for specialists in the fields of book science, codicology, archeography, archival science, source studies, librarianship, bibliography, social communications, as well as a wide range of researchers interested in national history.

Founded in 1993 on the basis of a specialized research unit of the Vernadsky Central Scientific Library (now – Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, VNLU) - Institute of Manuscript, is formed with the involvement of specialists of other scientific departments of VNLU, as well as domestic and foreign library and archival institutions.

Founder and publisher: Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. It comes out with a frequency of 1–2 issues per year. Languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.


BURIAK Larysa Ivanivna


D. Sc. (History ), professor, leading researcher, Institute of Biographical Research, V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine

Editor Address

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU)

Institute of Manuscript of VNLU

62 Volodymyrska Str., room 312

01033, Kyiv, Ukraine





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