V.P. Babak, S.V. Babak, M.V. Myslovych, A.O. Zaporozhets, V.M. Zvaritch; Ed. V.P. Babak
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Electrodynamics, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics. — Kyiv: Akademperiodyka, 2018. — 134 p. — (Ukrainian Scientific Book in a Foreign Language).
ISBN 978-966-360-353-7
The monograph examines the issues of ensuring the operational reliability of energy facilities through the use of modern information provision. Mathematical models of diagnostic signals that arise during the operation of power equipment are analyzed, main results of their characteristics research of are outlined, methods and means of diagnostics of certain types of electric power and heat engineering equipment are considered.
For researchers, engineers, as well as lecturers and postgraduates of higher education institutions dealing with diagnostics of technical facilities.