Naumenko V.
Synthesis of secondary metabolites in vitro / V. Naumenko, B. Sorochynskyi, Ya. Blume ; NAS of Ukraine. — K. : Akademperiodyka, 2015. — 56 p. — 300 copies. — ISBN 978-966-360-281-3. — (Ukrainian Scientific Book in a Foreign Language).
The recent advances in biotechnology on the synthesis of secondary metabolites in vitro culture of the three major classes of plant metabolites — alkaloids, isoprenoids and phenols are discussed. The benefits of using cell and tissue cultures of plants as an alternative source of secondary metabolites, which makes it possible of controlling the quantity and quality of metabolite and does not depend on external conditions are outlined. The latest achievements of genetic and metabolic engineering on synthesis of secondary metabolites in vitro are considered and analysed.